By clicking accept below, I hereby affirm that I am the parent or legal guardian of the camp attendee, who is a minor. In consideration of being allowed to have my child participate in programs offered by Thrive Camps, I agree to the following terms and conditions.
I hereby waive, release, and discharge Thrive Camps and any hosting organization from all claims and liability of any kind arising from personal injury incurred as a result of my child's participation in this camp.
I understand and acknowledge that participation in holiday and sports camps may involve physical activities and contact, and I certify that my child is in good health and able to participate in all activities. I further agree to promptly notify the coaching staff of any pre-existing medical or psychological conditions that may affect my child's participation.
In the event that my child requires medical attention due to illness or injury during their participation in the camp, I authorise a member of the camp staff to provide necessary urgent care and treatment.
By accepting these terms, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the foregoing provisions and voluntarily agree to be bound by them.